Whenever I hear someone refer to me as a blogger, I cringe a little.

See, at least where I’m from, blogging is all too often associated with people sharing poorly-written posts about what they’re wearing, where they’re partying and why you need to use this amazing brand’s product that they got paid to mention and probably didn’t use themselves until that point.

Side note: I see a lot of this happening on Instagram, too.

At the heart of it, though, and when done properly, blogging is simply using the written word to convey a message, create community, build rapport, and develop a personal brand.

It is but one tactic or tool that forms part of an overall content marketing strategy.

This is where blogging fits into my own business. I consider myself a solopreneur/business owner who uses blogging as one of several marketing channels or touch points in my business, rather than being a blogger in and of itself.

The same thing goes for podcasting. In fact, funny story real quick: my wife was telling her mom that I’d taken a break from podcasting for a while, and she started freaking out that I wasn’t going to be making money. But what she and many others don’t understand is that podcasting itself doesn’t make me money directly. Rather, it’s just one marketing channel in my business that adds value in other ways (relationships, authority, coaching clients, etc.).

Think of blogging, podcasting and other mediums as billboards. You don’t make money just because you put up a billboard. You make money when people see the billboard, resonate with your brand and message and come back to do business later.

And yet despite my dislike for the term ‘blogging’, I owe a lot of what I’m doing today to starting my first blog back when I was still unhappily employed all those years ago (it feels crazy to describe it that way now).

Through creating my own platform and outlet, I was able to recognize what interested me, build relationships with others on a similar journey, and create a life & business that felt more aligned with what I really wanted.

This is why I now emphasize again and again the importance of having some way of sharing your message and getting your thoughts and ideas out into the world.

And despite the different options for doing so, there’s something special about writing that I don’t believe can be achieved through audio or video. This is why I recommend everyone start with a blog (be it their own or a free Medium account).

Side note: If you feel like now is the time for YOU to start YOUR own blog, my friend Tom Kuegler (who I interviewed on The Quarter Life Comeback) is hosting an amazing event called the Grow Your Blog Summit featuring 30+ expert bloggers and online influencers teaching you how to start, grow, and monetize your blog. All you have to do is visit this page and get your free ticket.

So as I’ve mentioned before, find a way to share your thoughts and then start sharing. In a few years from now, you’ll wish you’d started today. I’m glad I did.


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