Stop Stopping

Instead of stressing about how we're ever going to reach our goals or master a new habit, what if we simply did our best to stop stopping?

Don’t Break The Streak

In any field, consistency is the thing that separates the A-players from the Average Joes. The next time you're not feeling motivated, try this.

My 2018 Annual Review

Each year, I write an annual review to reflect on the year, review my successes & failures and keep myself accountable. Here's what happened in 2018.
Self-Awareness Bonus: The Hedgehog Concept | Bryan Teare

Self-Awareness Bonus: The Hedgehog Concept

The starting point for anyone looking to create an exponential life is self-awareness. In this 5-part series, I'm sharing 5 helpful exercises. This is a bonus exercise: the Hedgehog Concept.