QLC 092: Following Your Own 20-Mile Road with Charlotte Moncrieff


      Today I’m excited to welcome Charlotte Moncrieff to The Quarter Life Comeback podcast.

      Charlotte Moncrieff is the Editor-in-Chief of The Twenty Mile Club, a site that encourages readers to realize the various entrepreneurial opportunities available, while also allowing them to see that they’re not alone in whatever stage they happen to be in their twenties.

      After graduating University, Charlotte assumed she’d simply have to choose between a variety of job offerings. But she quickly realized that things don’t happen quite so easily.

      After a conversation with a stranger in which she tried to look more impressive than her reality really showed, Charlotte decided to create a platform which helped others navigate this stage of their lives.

      She quit her job, left London, reduced her living expenses and took a part-time job which allowed her to build The Twenty Mile Club in her spare time.

      The site’s primary goal is to seek out and interview entrepreneurial and innovative twenty-somethings in order to inspire and help others understand the steps that these twenty milers have taken in order to achieve success.


      • How to start a passion project while still paying the bills
      • Dealing with friends and family who don’t understand your decisions
      • How to avoid the naysayers and find others who believe in you
      • Advice for newbie entrepreneurs
      • How to know if an idea is worth pursuing
      • Why doubt is completely normal and how to deal with it



      • “How badly do I want this?”
      • “Listen to your gut and talk to people who can help”
      • “Don’t listen to the negative noise”
      • “Everyone is on their own road”
      • “You still have so much time to make it work”
      • “There’s no point not being happy”

      Finally, you can hang out with Charlotte on the various social media channels below:

      Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn

      Support The Quarter Life Comeback at Patreon


      If you enjoyed this episode, shoot me a tweet @BryanTeare and let me know your biggest takeaways. Feel free to share it around with your friends so they can benefit from the podcast as well.

      Also, I’d be really grateful if you could leave an honest rating & review for The Quarter Life Comeback on iTunes. They’re extremely helpful in terms of the rankings and visibility of the show, and I read each and every one of them personally 🙂

      Finally, don’t forget to subscribe on iTunesStitcher or TuneIn to receive new episodes as soon as they go live!

      Thanks again for joining me on the show, Charlotte, and for sharing your story.

      P.S. Want to support The Quarter Life Comeback? Now you can by becoming a patron! Click here to learn more.

      Intro by Daniella Pellegrini | Music Credit: CharlestheFirst – Letting Go


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