Today I’m back with a short solo episode for The Quarter Life Comeback podcast.

If you follow me on my Facebook page, you would have seen a post I shared recently by author Elizabeth Gilbert (famous for her books Eat Pray Love and Big Magic) in which she spoke about the concept of “Not This.”

In it, Gilbert shares an inspirational message with her Facebook fans/followers about the importance of recognizing and owning the fact that where we are right now might not be where we want to be, even if we have no idea where that place is. This could include our career, relationships, neighborhood, behaviors or beliefs.

She tells the stories of friends who have taken action and moved away from their “not this” situations with no plan B (a situation to which I can completely relate), explains why most of us never do and the consequences of not doing so.

If you need a reminder that your current situation is (sorry to say it) your own doing, or are feeling a little too safe for your liking, this episode will help you to realize that your journey is in your hands.


“I don’t know what my life is supposed to be…but it’s NOT THIS.” (Tweet this)


QLC 013: Not This | Bryan Teare


  • How most of us, at some point, will face terrible moments in our lives
  • Why we stay stuck in the “Not This” mindset
  • Why the bravest thing we can do is admit what’s not working and act on it regardless
  • The consequences of ignoring the “Not This” voice in your head


Finally, you can hang out with me on the various social media channels below:

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If you enjoyed this episode, shoot me a tweet @BryanTeare and let me know your biggest takeaways. Feel free to share it around with your friends so they can benefit from the podcast as well.

Also, I’d be really grateful if you could leave an honest rating & review for The Quarter Life Comeback on iTunes. They’re extremely helpful in terms of the rankings and visibility of the show, and I read each and every one of them personally 🙂

Finally, don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher to receive new episodes as soon as they go live!

Thanks again for joining me on the show.

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Intro by Daniella Pellegrini | Music Credit: CharlestheFirst – Letting Go


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